How to get technical names for all commands

I am currently using the leader-hotkeys-obsidian plugin, It allows me to expand the number of hotkeys I can use. For example I can use a combination like F1 CTRL+1.

In order to assign a hotkey to a command, the plugin expects you to select from hundreds of commands through this small menu (pictured below), with no means to search through the commands.

Looking at the file it stores its configuration. It uses a format that is very similar to VScodes Keybindings.Json:

  "hotkeys": [
      "sequence": [
          "key": "F1",
          "shift": false,
          "alt": false,
          "ctrl": false,
          "meta": false
          "key": "F9",
          "shift": false,
          "alt": false,
          "ctrl": false,
          "meta": false
      "commandID": "obsidian-editor-shortcuts:selectWordOrNextOccurrence"

That is fine with me anyways, I much preffer the VSCode way of configurationg my settings.

The only thing holding me back is a way to get this list of commands that are currently available for use in my copy of Obsidian. Is there a way I can generate a text file that gives me these list of commands? or perhaps its already available in some config file?

Any help would be truelly appreciated here, scratching my head here.


Requires Dataview to display this way, but you could type app.commands.commands in the console if you don’t have Dataview.


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