The “current view” button at the top right of the middle section of the obsidian UI only toggles between Reading view and Preview mode. I would like that button to also include “source view” and I seem to remember having seen this in some Obsidian tutorial, so it should be possible, but can’t figure out how.
Things I have tried
The closest I’ve been able to get to the desired solution is to add another command button with the command “Toggle Live Preview/Source mode”, which does nothing when I’m in Reading mode and toggles between live preview and source mode when I’m in preview mode. What I don’t like about this workaround is that the button-icon doesn’t change like the preview/reading mode button does, and, of course: it would be much more convenient to have just one button for all three modes.
There is such a button at the bottom but I want it at the top. Also, that button is not a toggle button but it opens a menu where I can choose one of the three modes. Again: close. but no cigar.
Not giving solution, but other approach. You should use keyboard hotkeys for all of them, each of them are very powerful modes. I strongly recommend keyboard driven workflow when toggling between read, source and live preview.
Toggle reading view. Cmd + e or Lalt + e
Toggle live preview / Source mode. Cmd + Shift + e or Lalt + Shift + e
Thanks! Yes, I am also a proponent of keyboard shortcuts. So my question could also be rephrased in terms of keyboard shortcuts: I want one that cycles through all three modes, rather than two different ones that toggle between live preview and source and the other between reading and edit.
@tophee you can create a template with Templater and assign it to a hotkey or custom button to cycle all 3 modes:
// Cycle through the three workspace modes
const view = app.workspace.activeLeaf.getViewState()
if (view.state.mode === 'source' && view.state.source === true) {
// In source mode, set to live preview
view.state.source = false
} else if (view.state.mode === 'source') {
// In live preview, set to reading mode
view.state.mode = 'preview'
} else {
// In reading mode, set to source mode
view.state.mode = 'source'
view.state.source = true