When I read text for my literature review in Zotero, I use coding text with some hashtag (e.g. #findings, #literature_gap, #methods#concept…) before the highlights, and then I create a note with my pdf highlights and comments for each article.
Now I wanna to use Obdisian to extract text from each hashtag.
I mean: I would like to get a note with ALL #findings (+ text highlighted/comments), #literarature_gap; #methods etc (linked to the main note with the article highlights)
For whom who are familiar: I wanna to use Obsidian instead of Nvivo or MAXQDA to code literature and extract then quotes for specific codes.
To answer your question, it might depend what you mean with extract? Would a query or dataview table get you what you want? Creating new notes from queries/searches is not a feature yet, but you might be able to get some of those contents from the search pane as well.
Thank you for your reply.
Rayan’s post is pretty useful.
I wanna to move to obsidian for literature review. At present I am using Nvivo to code pdf. For example, I create a code “literature gap”, I code text in the pdf and at the end I get a list “source-code” (e.g.Author-literature gap… Authors-main findings…)
To put it in anohter way: in obdisian, I’d like to create a new note with “source-code” in order to read the main quotes of pdf for each code I create.