How to enclose Obsidian with 4 Red Edges?

Dear all,

I want to enclose Obsidian with 4 Red Edges over a dark theme.

I tried to use obsidian’s development environment, by press “ctrl-shift-I”. I finally could only be able to do some tricks on the left icon bar to make it a red outline, pls. see below screen capture:

the CSS codes I added to “obsidian.css” is:

.workspace-ribbon {
    width: var(--ribbon-width);
    flex: 0 0 var(--ribbon-width);
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    overflow: hidden;
    background-color: var(--ribbon-background);
    z-index: var(--layer-sidedock);
    color: var(--text-muted);
    padding: var(--ribbon-padding);
    gap: var(--size-4-1);
    border-right: var(--divider-width) solid #d32929;
	border-left: var(--divider-width) solid #d32929;
	border-bottom: var(--divider-width) solid #d32929;
	border-top: var(--divider-width) solid #d32929;

so which CSS should I work on to give Obsidian with 4 Red edges?

Thanks for any kinds of help!

To enclose the main container of Obsidian, with exception of the Developers Tools pane, the following seems to do the trick:

.horizontal-main-container {
  border: var(--divider-width) solid #d32929;

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