How to embed existing image?

There was a thread on this but it’s closed and I can’t add to it :frowning:

I am using the janitor plugin to sort through my orphans. It’s frustrating because it’s a modal window, and you can’t save anything.

There is no info on Embed files - Obsidian Help on how to embed an existing image in the vault. I can get a link from the vault, e,g, obsidian://open?vault=vaultname&file=pathandname.jpeg but I can’t figure out how to embed this. Can someone help, please?

Is there a better tool than Janitor to go through the orphans?

Mentioned in the thread you linked, but if the image is in the vault, is there a reason why you aren’t using ![[Localimage.jpg]] or ![](Localimage.jpg) to embed the image(s)?

![[path/to/Localimage.jpg]] or ![](path/to/Localimage.jpg) should be fine as well. ※

※ if there are spaces in the second markdown link you’ll need to encode them or wrap the entire thing in brackets. e.g.
![](path/to/Local%20image.jpg) or ![](<path/to/Local image.jpg>)

I’m pretty confused here. So you are saying if the image is in the vault, as long as it’s unique is does not matter what path it’s stored in? One does not need to worry about saying _resources, etc?

Yup! The first two images here are in my 00--meta/assets/images/ folder and the third is in the root of the vault.

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That worked brilliant, thanks for your patience.