Let’s say I have a file with some frontmatter properties. For instance a quote, and the author of the quote is in the frontmatter (so that later I can collect all the quotes from the same author). On the other hand, when I want to embed a particular quote, I want to also embed the name of the author. However, when I just embed using ![[quote]] of course the frontmatter properties are excluded. How do I fix that?
Currently I’m doing an inline DQL query:
![[quote]] - `= [[quote]].author`
Which becomes something like
Actually that is a good way to do it. One could imagine doing something similar with something like:
`$= await dv.view("quote") `
And write a dv.view() script to do both of those operations, but sadly embedding through dataview (especially of pure text) is somewhat finicky at times. A similar approach actually reading the file, and inserting that as is, could possibly work, but all in all I’d say that doing the way you’ve done is a nice way of doing it.
I don’t know how you insert that, whether you type it out manually, but you could consider doing a template where you selected the quote from some query through the tp.system.suggester() and let Templater build that text segment. But in the end, I think to have the markdown like you’ve shown is a rather good solution.