How to dynamically add highlights (after reading) to daily notes?

I have a workflow in Obsidian where I save web clippings (articles) in a dedicated Clippings/ folder. While reading these articles, I highlight important parts using the ==highlight== syntax. I also use daily notes to reflect on my day.

Here’s what I want to achieve:

  1. Dynamically create a list of the highlights (inside the note) on the top of the note.
  2. Automatically add all highlights I added today to my daily notes for reflection.

Does anyone do something similar? And if so, how?

I’m wondering where I should get the date from. I have a created date variable in the note, which is not the time I read it. I also have a task at the beginning of each document, that I use to mark it as done (read) - this might be more suitable.

So I see two options:

  1. Dynamically fetch all the highlights into a daily/weekly note, based on the completion date of this task - here I’m not sure how to add them to the top of the file.

  2. Trigger a script manually after reading that a) copies the highlights to the daily/weekly notes and b) copies them to the beginning of the file.

I’m aware of the extract-highlights-plugin, but I don’t see yet how it would help, especially automating this.

Would love to hear how others have tackled similar workflows and in which way (plugins/scripts). Thanks! :blush:

I can’t seem to edit, so I’ll reply to myself:

After playing around a bit, with the help of my dear LLM, I have a first solution:

1. Added a dataviewjs snippet that dynamically displays the highlights in the current file:

// Fetch the raw content of the current note
const content = await;

​if (content) {
    // Extract highlights
    const highlights = content.match(/==.+?==/g) || [];

    // Skip the first highlight
    const filteredHighlights = highlights.slice(1);

    ​if (filteredHighlights.length > 0) {
        dv.header(2, "Highlights in This Note");

        ​filteredHighlights.forEach((highlight, index) => {
            const cleanHighlight = highlight.replace(/==/g, "").trim();

            // Calculate the line number where the highlight appears
            const lineNumber = content.substring(0, content.indexOf(highlight)).split("\n").length;

            // Generate a wikilink with line anchor
            const anchor = `[[${dv.current()}#^line-${lineNumber}]]`;

            // Add an inline blockquote with the clickable link
            dv.paragraph(`> ${cleanHighlight}(${anchor})`);
    ​} else {
        dv.paragraph("No highlights found in this note.");
​} else {
    dv.paragraph("Failed to load content for this note.");

Note: the links to the line don’t work - I’m not sure if this is possible

2. Added a dataviewjs snippet in my daily note, that dynamically fetches the highlights of Clippings that have a matching completed (the day I read it) date.


const folderPath = "Clippings"; // Path to your clippings folder
const today = dv.current(); // Assumes daily note name is YYYY-MM-DD

dv.header(2, `Highlights Added on ${today}`);

// Fetch notes with tasks completed today and highlights
let notesWithHighlights = [];
​for (let note of dv.pages(`"${folderPath}"`).where(p =>
    ​p.file.tasks.some(task => {
        const match = task.text.match(/✅ (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/);
        return match && match[1] === today;
​)) {
    const content = await;
    const highlights = content.match(/==.+?==/g)?.slice(1) || []; // Remove the first highlight
    if (highlights.length > 0) notesWithHighlights.push({ note, highlights });

// Display highlights
​if (notesWithHighlights.length > 0) {
    ​notesWithHighlights.forEach(({ note, highlights }) => {
        ​highlights.forEach(highlight => {
            const cleanHighlight = highlight.replace(/==/g, "").trim();
            dv.paragraph(`> ${cleanHighlight}\n- From [[${}]]`);
​} else {
    dv.paragraph("No highlights found for today.");

Feedback/Optimizations welome :wink: