How to copy/paste from a website with source automatically inserted?

Hi people who know better than me. :slight_smile:

When I read something on the net, and want a quote it in Obsidian I do the following:

I am first copying the text from the website in my browser, then I switch to Obsidian, type a > (to begin a quote) and paste the text in, so I have something like this:

Et kendt referencepunkt i pædagogikken er Kant og hans paradoks ift. opdragelse: Hvordan kan man opdrage barnet til frihed gennem tvang? Det paradoksale ligger her i, at pædagogen skal få barnet til at gøre det, pædagogen gerne vil at barnet skal gøre, af egen fri vilje.

Then I switch back to my browser and, using the browser plug-in Copy as Markdown I (with a shortcut) copy the title and URL. Then back to Obsidian where I write a ( to get a couple of parentheses after the text, and the paste the title and link, ending up with something like this:

Et kendt referencepunkt i pædagogikken er Kant og hans paradoks ift. opdragelse: Hvordan kan man opdrage barnet til frihed gennem tvang? Det paradoksale ligger her i, at pædagogen skal få barnet til at gøre det, pædagogen gerne vil at barnet skal gøre, af egen fri vilje. (Opløs tvangen — argumenter for en anarkistisk pædagogik | by FRIKTION | Friktion)

This is what I want. However, it’s a lot of back and forth between browser and Obsidian, and it would be much better if all this could be done smoother. Is there a smoother way? Thanks!


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