How to copy a table from Obsidian to Excel?

What I’m trying to do

I want to copy a table from Obsidian to Excel in a table-format. Now it is copied as plain text.

Things I have tried

Copy/paste :smiley:

I also looked for plugins, but it looks like they are only available from Excel to Obisidian. I found a topic that looked like my issyue, but when it mentioned something about ‘mouse down’ I was lost.

Copy-paste from reading view should work when you select paste and “match destination formatting” in Excel.

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I know where that option is, but it doesn’t pop up when I want to copy a table from Obsidian.

Sometimes copy command in reading view in Obsidian becomes inactive (see below). In my case the clipboard has an image copied in and the problem doesn’t persist after I paste that image. However I cannot reproduce this problem and I’m not sure how it occurs exactly.

Thanks for this explanation! It helps me a lot.

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