How to apply 'Resurfacing rating system' in my Obsidian?

Hi, there.
I have read article that suggest Resufacing rating system. ‘Resurfacing rating system’ is system where notes can be presented to one again, as a way to jog our memory of their content.

He who use ‘notion app’ use rating system. If he see the notes twice, he rate ‘star 2’, if see tripple he rate ‘star 3’. More information can be read here.

I wonder can I adopt this system in my obisidan app. I’m not familiar with markdown paragrah. Could you show me how should I write markdown code that can adopt this? Or is there any app can adopt like this?

Thank you for reading this.

A rough, simple way would be to tag each note with its rating, then use the Smart Random Note plugin to show notes with each tag. This requires that you manage the frequency yourself (looking at 1 star notes on a certain schedule, 2 star on a different one, etc).

Or you could put a rating field in the YAML frontmatter and use the DataView plugin to display a list of notes in random order with the appropriate frequency (I think this is possible — I don’t use DataView).

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