How to add bookmark or search query to ribbon or command palette?

Given Obsidian’s lack of an “All Notes” folder, to see all notes listed in reverse chronological order, I rely on a workaround: path:/ search query that I have bookmarked. I’d like to add this bookmark to the ribbon, for easy access on both desktop & mobile. Commander would allow me to add such shortcut but it requires an appropriate Command Palette command to be had :confused:

But perhaps there’s a better solution here altogether I’m not seeing hence me sharing the entire context.

I had tried using plugins for this purpose such as Recent Files & Chronology but I found the path:/ method to be the most simple & reliable.

My ploy for this is to pin such queries (in notes, of course) to the sidebar so they are always available:

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Smart! I’ll give it a try, thanks! How many notes do you have in your vault? Could this introduce any lag? :thinking:

Edit: unfortunately, this only sorts notes alphabetically.

You can use Obsidian URI to initiate searches:


You can also use Advanced URI to open bookmarks:


Parameter values (vault = value, query = value, bookmark = value) have to be URL encoded, like query=path%3A%2F.

You can then launch these actions using markdown links in your note:
[This here is shown](obsidian://adv-uri?filepath=Home%20Index%2Ftoday)

You can also map shell commands to Obsidian commands using Shell commands plugin. For example

Start-Process "obsidian://adv-uri?filepath=test"

open "obsidian://adv-uri?filepath=test"

xdg-open "obsidian://adv-uri?filepath=test"

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Nice! The only downside is that the shell commands plugin doesn’t work on mobile.