I’m trying to figure out how to add an image to a note (new or existing) using the URL scheme. I can add text no problem, but I couldn’t find anything that mentions images. Only finding elementary results on how to just add an image in your vault.
Things I have tried
There’s not much I can test here. The URL scheme doesn’t have a parameter for it. I had this working when I kept my vault in Dropbox, but since I moved to Sync, I can’t figure this one out.
As far as I know there is no way to add a file to a vault using an URI. Those are primarily for receiving information, not posting information.
However, since an Obsidian vault is just a file folder, you can use whatever method to add a file to that folder. Obsidian will register that a new file has been added, and will include information on that file the next time it’s opened.