How to activate the highlighting of the BSL programming language?


In my work I use the BSL programming language (1C: Enterprise) - bsl, oscript.
Code highlighting does not work for it, although it is in the PrismJS / prism list.
Other languages (java, kotlin, xml) work fine.

Can you please tell me - does Prism work in obsidian only for popular languages? Is there an easy way to add language highlighting from the Prism list myself?

Thanks in advance.

BSL seems to be working for me. Perhaps you are missing the “bsl” after the open quotes?



I tried to write different variants of bsl, BSL, oscript, 1c, 1S and many others :slight_smile:
I tried to install the default light theme (instead of dark Atom) - it didn’t help.

I have a windows version (v0.12.10). Please tell me your OS.

I’m running Obsidian v0.12.12 on Linux Mint 20.1. I’m using the light theme.

If I get a chance later today I’ll try booting into Windows and see if it makes a difference.

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I also have Linux mint in which I installed obsidian with default settings (and with English language) without plugins with a default theme.
And nothing. NOTHING. Java, HTML - work, bsl - no.
Maybe I misbehaved this year? Is my karma negative? :slightly_frowning_face:
Here is the code, without spaces, English letters:

Procedure SayHello ()
	Message ("Hello");

This code (and any other BSL) doesn’t work.

I’ll be grateful.

I think that the problem is in the settings of my OS (Russian language, the path to the database or program, or a hundred more reasons)

I just noticed this in the release notes of Obsidian v0.12.11:

You mentioned you were running v0.12.10 – it’s possible that bsl support was just added to Prism, and so you don’t see it yet because you’re not on v0.12.11.

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Thank you very much, Mr. Craig.

I cannot download this version yet. But I will write after the release if the problem was resolved (All my code will start to shine).

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Thanks! I suspect it will fix your problem. I tried with v0.12.12 on Windows 10 and it showed up in color:



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O! Thanks for checking out. Your kindness knows no bounds! :slightly_smiling_face:
I also check for updates every 2 days.
And I really hope that the code highlighting will work.

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Your guess was correct.
Code highlighting started working right after the update.
Many thanks for the help!
Best wishes!

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