How to access complete renderer text of current markdown view? (at least dataviewjs blocks and inline code)

In my plugin I need to access the text of a branch (everything below a heading and its sub-headings). This text includes dataviewjs blocks and inline code, for which I need the rendered output not the raw code.

What I tried:

  1. Parse html content of reading view. → Incomplete because only elements within visible view are included in the html.
  2. “Expand” the dv code. → Too complicated because DV API’s executeJS does not provide access to the context, and my code needs to access e.g. the contents of the editor.
  3. Cache rendered output myself. → registered MarkdownPostProcessor is never called???

So what other possibilities do I have?


Correction for 3:
The MarkdownPostProcessor gets called. But the context is also incomplete missing parts outside of the visible window. And I guess these parts are never rendered unless the user scrolls there.

Found MarkdownRenderer.render, but it renders (dataviewjs) code raw instead of executing it.

const el: HTMLElement = new Document().createElement("div")
MarkdownRenderer.render(, this.text, el,!.file!.path, this.plugin)

How can I “resolve/expand/execute” code blocks during rendering?