Hi there - I’m wondering if anyone knows how is the canvas node/element id determined? Or does it not matter, as long as it’s unique? I’m looking to play around with editing a canvas programmatically and this is the 1st question that came to mind
I’ve put together small tool in Python that will dive into Jira, pick out a series of defined epics and the stories in those epics, and format them in a canvas (epic with arrows to the subordinate stories). I used a UUID4 for the node and edge ID, and it works perfectly.
UUID is a Universally Unique IDentifier. There’s a few different versions. Version 4 is pretty much the go-to unless you have a special reason to choose otherwise.
Wikipedia has details on it here. It’s useful because the way it’s generated, the collision risk is vanishingly small. To get a duplicate you’d need to be generating 1 billion UUIDs per second for about 85 years.