How I use Daily Notes

You can use the filter to filter out all daily notes from the graph.

But I need exactly the opposite, I want them in a graph view BUT with titles which make sense.

What about aliases? Don’t know if that is an answer to your question though.

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I sort of have the same issue. I want to have a custom name in my daily note (some thing meaningful so I could search and check when I review instead of just date number)
But if I changed the name of the file then it loses the link to calendar plugin. I guess maybe we could use meta data behind the scene instead of just file name for linking? Don’t know how to do that yet.

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I don’t use Daily Notes a knowledge and therefore remove them from the knowledge graph. They are where I capture the events of the day. Once captured, important things are synthesized into more complete thoughts in separate notes that are linked back to the day. Conversation’s I’ve had with people are linked via their @Contact note. The Daily note is only kept as a journal of sorts. Trying to title them all will work in the short term, but I hope you will have more days than you have words to describe them.

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