How I get accurate GPS location information in Obsidian in a semi-automated way

Hey everyone,

I wrote a post on a little hack I use to get accurate GPS location information in Obsidian, without resorting to 3rd party apps. Not sure if a similar solution has been shared before, but I thought that people might find it useful.

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Some more information scent for anyone curious:

This is specifically for iOS/OS X

The gist of it is to create a Shortcut, which will run periodically (or on any other trigger you like) on a device that has location capabilities, and insert the location information directly in your vault, in a note, in FrontMatter format.

  • I sync between my mobile and desktop app through iCloud
  • Not sure if it would work with other sync solutions - haven’t tried it.

Sure. Shortcuts can save text to files outside of iCloud, and Obsidian can use other sync systems.