How drop a pdf file in the file explorer of obsidian?

I want to drop a pdf doucment to the file exploer of obsidian, but it’s not work. (I don’t want to drop the pdf file in a md file or copy by the file exploer of my operating system.)

What I’m trying to do

Drop a pdf file to the file exploer of obsidian

Things I have tried

I have read the document of Drag and Drop, but there is
no solution.

It’s a little confusing at first.

  • You can drag/drop a file in the purple area: the root of your vault.
  • You can drag/drop a file in the blue area: into a folder.
  • You can’t drag/drop a file in the red area: a (+) shows up (using Windows anyway), and looks like it will work but won’t do anything.


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