How do you manage News and History related topics?

It feels important to clarify what we mean by the term “MOC” here. Some mean LYT-style broad high-level MOCs while others mean something much more focused, similar to a smaller topic-focused outline. The term is used to represent a broad range of structures and is a very generic concept so it should be qualified when we make statements about their applicability to a particular problem. (I myself have multiple “tiers” of “MOCs” in my own notes, with different levels of complexity, some of which may be more appropriate to particular problems than others)

Regarding titles: It seems you are bumping into the problem of overly-generic note titles (also applicable to tag names) in that they don’t provide enough context to explain the connection being established.

The solution you are finding (as I have found also) is well-described by Andy Matuschak:

TLDR: As you are discovering, phrase-based titles are more powerful because they focus the note more tightly and enable each note to act as a standalone claim (with supporting material in the note itself) that can be linked from various outlines in various orders to establish various arguments and theories.

This doesn’t mean every note must have such a title, just that when it is possible to do so there is more expressive power generated as a result.

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Along your needs. I defined my purpose as having a monthly outllook of the different economies that make out the global economy-- that is my end-result.

For this, what I have done is create a template for a monthly outlook for different countries that I track… US, Europe, China, Latam.

In the template I have several tracking variables:
GDP, Inflation, Central Bank, Gov Policies, Companies, Consumption, trade.

In each variable I add a link to the source article and a few lines that define what is happening. so I have a summary and a link to the main article (in devonthink).

I collect the news from clippings in devonthink monthly, that is, divided on a yearly and monthly basis.

the directory and file is like this:

Monthly Tracking/

Then for each month, I prepare a global outlook, based on the news that I gather.

My last note has the description of the global economy in that month.

In addition, when I am doing the research, I find some interesting topics that I then move to another directory called trend… where I then see if It can be the center for an idea that develops…

So far, the only problem is that the monthly files become numerous and I have to hide them… hope this helps.

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