How do I work with Obsidian on Mobile?

Right now, I use Syncthing to sync my notes on my four devices and use Markor to make new notes and read my current notes. I have to say; it is not a very satisfactory workflow. But I can wait for the obsidian mobile app.
Also, on mobile, I use textpand plus to make a template for my notes if it can be useful to you.

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My experience on iOS:

  1. 1Writer
  2. Notebooks 10
  3. Noteplan 2 (Noteplan 3 in beta) (my choice since I like to bullet journal and aggregate tasks through my notes into a single system - I put writing and organization todos onto note page which are extracted by Noteplan)
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I love Noteplan. The v3 beta is shaping up to be fantastic. I also love Obsidian- but Iā€™ve not found a way to use them together seamlessly (if at all). Primarily due to the fact that Obsidian is locked to .md and Noteplan is .txt. How are you using them together?

@msalam Emailing the NotePlan dev to enable a .md preference is my current plan. :sweat_smile:

Heā€™s working on it, but it might not be an option before v3 is out.

Sadly using something like Hazel to convert all NotePlan files to .md doesnā€™t work with the Calendar notes, as it forces .txt on those.

I was playing with a 2-way syncing script to get updates in either NotePlan or Obsidian to copy to one another. If that ever works (itā€™s timing out when run inside Hazel at the moment, and I canā€™t seem to debug it) Iā€™ll share it here!

Thanks @ryanjamurphy ! Iā€™ll add my vote to the mix. I always seem to find myself this situation :man_facepalming: caught between 2 similar apps - each of which offering something out of reach of the other. Total productivity killer!


Out of curiosity @ryanjamurphy are you using Noteplan/Reminders for tasks or something else?

I have been using plain text to track todos for a while, so these apps arenā€™t really influencing that, although NotePlanā€™s UX for it is great.

@ryanjamurphy I was able to get Chronosync to syncs the files back and forth between a ā€œcalendarā€ folder in Obsidian and the Noteplan calendar folder - using Hazel on both ends to clean up the mess. HOWEVER, I am not really going back and forth often. I only use the daily notes in Noteplan, and only need to reference them from obsidian some time in the future in my workflow. If I was editing them in both places the sync would fall apart.


I donā€™t think I saw it mentioned but Iā€™m testing out FSNotes, it uses markdown and bracket-links (not to mention mermaid support).

Itā€™s inspired by nvalt and has been promising so far. One issue Iā€™m having on Mac OS is that it doesnā€™t rename the file based on the first line but it does it correctly on iOS so I expect that will come back over to Mac OS. I use it mainly for the iOS app anyway and obsidian as my primary app on Mac OS.


Great tip, thanks! How does it handle links to notes in folders?

I was going to ask whether (and how) Epsilon Notes really supported Obsidian wiki-style links, but I think I figured it out how to make it happen. Hereā€™s what I did:

In Epison Notes > Preferences > Compatibility processor, paste the following as plain text (to preserve line breaks):

// Obsidian Compatibility
// Replace embeds with links:
// Convert piped links (even in tables):
// Convert normal links:
// Allow spaces within links and filenames:
(?<=\]\([^\(\)\n]{0,1024}) (?=[^\(\)\n]{0,1024}\))

Relevant Epsilon documentation is here, specifically compatibility processor and spaces in links. The above could probably be improved, but so far itā€™s working for me.

As for cloud syncing, Iā€™m currently using DriveSync (AutoSync for Google Drive).


It seems to handle them fine in my tests. I just created a note with a link to another note that was nested in folders and it linked to it and worked fine. The main issue I have with it is on the Mac it doesnā€™t rename files with the first line and on iOS Iā€™m having an issue where it doesnā€™t properly save files to iCloud if you create them in the Notes or Todo sidebar section. Iā€™m filing bugs and hopefully some of these essential issues can be fixed in updates. So I think the app is a potential solution but there are some bugs to consider. So far though, itā€™s a strong candidate along with NotePlan, 1Writer, and when I donā€™t need to rely on the bracket-links but want a solid markdown editor: iA Writer. I tried Notebooks but had issues with syncing over dropbox. Could be something I did wrong, I donā€™t know.


Thanks for the testing. Aye, weā€™re using the same set of apps, then. If you arenā€™t in the NotePlan beta you should request itā€”3 is shaping up.

(We just have to convince the developer to allow .md file extensionsā€¦!)

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Yeah. Syncthing is good too.

Hi there!

Which of the available iOS markdown apps are able to embed local images (![[]] or ![]( Is there an app which supports setting of the image subfolder?



I installed it at first, but could not see how to get that connection. Is there a tutorial on setting it up?

Is there an android app that can link notes which are in different folders? Iā€™ve tried Markor and Epsilon Notes and it seems like they are both not able to do it.

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Does 1Writer support brackets links and image embedding?

1Writer handles backlinks just fine. Images work with a conventional ![caption](text.jpg) syntax.

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I sync my folder with GitHub and use Gitjournal on Android to edit/create md. Works perfectly.