I’d like to suggest MWeb for MacOS and iOS. It’s what I was using for folders of markdown notes before Obsidian (in fact I just pointed Obsidian at the same folder so I can use either now), and will remain my go to on iOS until there is an Obsidian mobile app.
I use Nutstore and 1Writer on my iphone. Although 1Writer didn’t have a graph-view, it is enough for me.
I’ve done a successful test using DevonThink To Go on iOS.
On my Mac, DevonThink is set to INDEX my Obsidian Vault.
On my iPad in DevonThink To Go, I can view AND EDIT my Obsidian Notes and the edits are reflected both in DevonThink Mac and Obsidian itself.
I’m sort of surprised that this works and I would love to hear any thoughts from folks who think it’s a dangerous way to go.
I see it as sensible and productive. The risk is divergence and sync problems, but that’s just a question of frequent backups.
Thanks! I’ve added that to our ongoing Obsidian Resources list.
It isn’t particularly dangerous. In fact, it’s especially safe as long as you edit your files within DEVONthink To Go (DTTG).
Things get a little weird if you also sync your indexed folder through a different sync service (e.g., you keep it in Dropbox). If you edit this file to iOS outside of DEVONthink (e.g., you open it in Dropbox and make a change), the following needs to happen before you can see the change on DEVONthink To Go:
- The file syncs to Dropbox from your iOS device.
- DEVONthink on your Mac needs to be open, and then it will pick up the change to the indexed file on some semi-random schedule (although it is fairly frequently)
- DEVONthink to Go needs to be opened and then synced with DEVONthink on the Mac.
This is a kind of round-tripping, and can be annoying. But again, if you edit everything in DTTG, you’re set.
Another caveat, though, is that while Obsidian and DEVONthink on the Mac recognize [[links]]
, DEVONthink To Go does not. So your links will be dead on iOS even though they work on the Mac.
My question (since I am a newbie) is can I setup 4 folders in a single vault to follow Tiago Forte’s method for organization PARA (e.g. Projects, Areas of responsibilities, Research, and Archive) and have access to all my notes via 1Writer and Obsidian. Or does everything need to go into the default folder in the vault in order to link and back link? Any and all help would be sincerely appreciated . . .
You an create as many folders as you want, however when using a mobile setup, you will only be able to sync one folder.
Unless somebody knows how to sync the entire Vault.
You can sync the entire vault (it’s just a folder anyway). 1Writer just doesn’t support wiki linking between files that are in folders like Obsidian does. So use a flat directory if you’re going to use 1Writer a lot. Otherwise you’re probably fine.
Thank you both for getting back to me. I was hoping to use the folders, but it looks like I need to just do the one big vault (no folders) until Obsidian for the iPad Pro comes out.
No, you just sync you main vault folder. You can have subfolders inside that folder.
@hcl The Notebooks app works great! Looks like it functions similarly to 1Writer. Links work within the folder, except for [[piped|links]]. Local linked images will sync properly if they’re in the same folder as the md’s.
I plan on using this setup going forward. I use Dropbox to sync.
Notebooks sounds promising. I will check it out. While I love 1Writer, I don’t like that I must keep a flat file structure, and that they don’t have a desktop version (less of an issue, but would be helpful for machines I own where I don’t have Obsidian loaded. Thanks for sharing, @captgoodhope
Well I don’t think you can avoid using a single folder with Notebooks if you want all the links to work.
From what I remember you can use folders in Notebooks 10 and it links between files in different folders fine.
NotePlan 2 on iOS works as well, and if you have folders in your obsidian vault, noteplan will ignore them and give you a flat file architecture and link between notes, even if they are in different folders. The beauty of Noteplan too is that it has daily notes and events and reminders built in. So it can act as a kind of task manager in plain text for your vault.
Disclaimer: NotePlans text files live in either iCloud Drive or Dropbox. So you obsidian vault needs to be in either of those two locations to use. Additionally, daily notes in Noteplan is hard coded for .txt, so to view them in obsidian you need to convert them to .md. I use hazel (macOS) to automatically do the conversion.
Looks like it’s possible to make working (mobile only) links within Obsidian using Notebooks’ link syntax. Works across folders.
Spaces need to be replaced with %20 for some odd reason.
Not very convenient. Maybe a macro or something can be constructed to spit these out.
Tag syncing partially works. Tags created in Notebooks will sync back to Obsidian correctly. They need a space before the # or Notebooks will read them as headings.
Also looks like a good idea to put a space before any tags created in Obsidian, or Notebooks will read them as headings too.
For Android, I just discovered Acode
I’m pretty stoked about it. And want to share the discovery.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I could never get Markor, iA Writer, or Epsilon Notes to work reliably. Everything I expect simply works with Acode.
- Twilight seems to be the best included theme to clearly show markdown syntax highlighting.
- Bookmarking several folders is easy. Add your Dropbox Scratch folder for your offline files.
- It handles multiple tabs gracefully for switching between work.
- Open source and no ads!
The one thing it doesn’t do is register itself as an .md viewer. So you usually have to open the file from within the app. This is pretty easy to work with since its built in folder navigation works well and also bookmarks any file path you want for quick access.
Gitjournal dev seems very active and raised an issue to support wiki links, if you vote it up then it’ll go to the top of his queue.
Update: he already added it to the code base.
Yes, ES is the best. support [[text]] [[text title|text]]
I’ve got to say I’m using iA Writer on Android and Dropbox to sync. I think iA Writer supports Dropbox as a sync mechanism. It’s working surprisingly seamlessly for me at the moment. More luck than skill I reckon.