How do I work with Obsidian on Mobile?

Out of curiosity @ryanjamurphy are you using Noteplan/Reminders for tasks or something else?

I have been using plain text to track todos for a while, so these apps aren’t really influencing that, although NotePlan’s UX for it is great.

@ryanjamurphy I was able to get Chronosync to syncs the files back and forth between a “calendar” folder in Obsidian and the Noteplan calendar folder - using Hazel on both ends to clean up the mess. HOWEVER, I am not really going back and forth often. I only use the daily notes in Noteplan, and only need to reference them from obsidian some time in the future in my workflow. If I was editing them in both places the sync would fall apart.


I don’t think I saw it mentioned but I’m testing out FSNotes, it uses markdown and bracket-links (not to mention mermaid support).

It’s inspired by nvalt and has been promising so far. One issue I’m having on Mac OS is that it doesn’t rename the file based on the first line but it does it correctly on iOS so I expect that will come back over to Mac OS. I use it mainly for the iOS app anyway and obsidian as my primary app on Mac OS.


Great tip, thanks! How does it handle links to notes in folders?

I was going to ask whether (and how) Epsilon Notes really supported Obsidian wiki-style links, but I think I figured it out how to make it happen. Here’s what I did:

In Epison Notes > Preferences > Compatibility processor, paste the following as plain text (to preserve line breaks):

// Obsidian Compatibility
// Replace embeds with links:
// Convert piped links (even in tables):
// Convert normal links:
// Allow spaces within links and filenames:
(?<=\]\([^\(\)\n]{0,1024}) (?=[^\(\)\n]{0,1024}\))

Relevant Epsilon documentation is here, specifically compatibility processor and spaces in links. The above could probably be improved, but so far it’s working for me.

As for cloud syncing, I’m currently using DriveSync (AutoSync for Google Drive).


It seems to handle them fine in my tests. I just created a note with a link to another note that was nested in folders and it linked to it and worked fine. The main issue I have with it is on the Mac it doesn’t rename files with the first line and on iOS I’m having an issue where it doesn’t properly save files to iCloud if you create them in the Notes or Todo sidebar section. I’m filing bugs and hopefully some of these essential issues can be fixed in updates. So I think the app is a potential solution but there are some bugs to consider. So far though, it’s a strong candidate along with NotePlan, 1Writer, and when I don’t need to rely on the bracket-links but want a solid markdown editor: iA Writer. I tried Notebooks but had issues with syncing over dropbox. Could be something I did wrong, I don’t know.


Thanks for the testing. Aye, we’re using the same set of apps, then. If you aren’t in the NotePlan beta you should request it—3 is shaping up.

(We just have to convince the developer to allow .md file extensions…!)

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Yeah. Syncthing is good too.

Hi there!

Which of the available iOS markdown apps are able to embed local images (![[]] or ![]( Is there an app which supports setting of the image subfolder?



I installed it at first, but could not see how to get that connection. Is there a tutorial on setting it up?

Is there an android app that can link notes which are in different folders? I’ve tried Markor and Epsilon Notes and it seems like they are both not able to do it.

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Does 1Writer support brackets links and image embedding?

1Writer handles backlinks just fine. Images work with a conventional ![caption](text.jpg) syntax.

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I sync my folder with GitHub and use Gitjournal on Android to edit/create md. Works perfectly.


New version of FSNotes allows renaming files by first line in Mac OS.

I have been using iA Writer on android and has helped me work with Obsidian on the go with my mobile device!

iA Writer doesn’t support Obsidian links or am I missing something?

Yes. i meant that i use iA Writer on my mobile device for the same purpose as i use Obsidion on my computer. Sorry if i have not conveyed that properly :grinning:

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Main question:

Folks using Notebooks – how do I, like, view my files? I put in my webdav credentials for my NextCloud webdav server, and … nothing. No errors, but also no folders. How do I find and view my vault?

Bigger Picture:

I’m loving Obsidian, and I’m really want to put all my recipes in it so I can
get off of Paprika, which is a lovely app but I like having more control over my
data. I use my iPad in the kitchen, so I need some sort of iOS solution, with
these features:

  • support for subfolder linking
  • support for Obsidian-style double bracket links
  • working checkboxes in view mode (because I check off ingredients as I add them and steps as I do them, and with ADHD not having that is a deal-breaker because otherwise I end up wondering if I already added the baking powder to the cake batter? not a happy place)
  • ideally integrates with the Files app because my vault lives in NextCloud, which is well integrated into the Files app. NextCloud lets me keep everything backed up on a remote server that I own while syncing across all my devices, and also appearing as just another directory in my home directory on my Mac for when I want to traipse through the filesystem unix-style, so I’m not willing to give it up.

So far I’ve written off:

  • iA Writer - doesn’t support Obsidian (double bracket) links
  • Editorial - doesn’t support files app, only dropbox
  • MD Notes - doesn’t support links, checkboxes are inert
  • 1Writer - doesn’t support subfolder links. Also wants me to do webdav, and while it looks like it supports Files, the NextCloud selection is greyed out
  • Byword - doesn’t support obsidian links
  • Working Copy - doesn’t support Obsidian links, doesn’t render checkboxes

So, now I’m trying Notebooks, but I’m probably doing something wrong with the webdav connection? (Also – here’s my vote for an official Obsidian app.)