How do I make relative path link work when inserting an image with HTML?

###What I’m trying to do
I’ve recently (and finally) learned how to use CSS-inserted images in obsidian. Prior to that, I thought only markdown was possible, but then I inspected the inserted images and found that obsidian uses CSS code to display them, for example:

img alt=“My Vault/images/Pasted image 20250111163547.png” src=“app://294e999d507b2f69b30dac4231f4aa79df45/G:/My%20Drive/My%20Vault/My%20Vault%20Artem/images/Pasted%20image%2020250111163547.png?1736606147039”

Using that hella long link in “SRC” manually does help, and I’d be satisfied at that. However, I’m currently trying to learn web developing and I can’t really understand why it’s not a possibility to use a simple CSS with a relative path as displayed in the “alt” attribute. Hell, I don’t even understand what all the “app://294e999d507b2f69b30dac4231f4aa79df45” means up there.

###Things I have tried
I’ve tried playing with different link formats, using something like:

img src=“My Vault/images/Pasted image 20250111163547.png”
img src=“/My Vault/images/Pasted image 20250111163547.png”
img src=“./My Vault/images/Pasted image 20250111163547.png”
img src=“./My%20Vault/images/Pasted%20image%2020250111163547.png”

But none of them work :sob::sob::sob: I have already resigned myself to not being able to solve this made-up problem of mine, but I would really appreciate a conclusive answer if there is any

I haven’t had the need (or time) to test these out yet, but from v1.8.1 on:

  • <img>, <video> and <audio> tags with relative src paths are now rendered in Live Preview and Reading mode.

1.8.1 is currently in catalyst (beta) testing.

Previous feature request topic:

Oh, great! Can’t wait for it to be released :saluting_face:
Also, I feel bad for cluttering the forum since a similar question has already been posed, and you have referred to it in your answer. I do appreciate your time, though!