How do I change the highlight symbol?

I am trying to take notes on HTML and I want the notes to stop interacting with the markdown features that I simply want to disable. This includes converting the notated hypertext notes, such as what ordered list tags look like and so forth, into empty and useless html elements as if they were displayed on an empty webpage. I have been able to disable this conversion by setting my default viewing to source mode and including some css I got from the forums that disables the markdown conversion, but when I try to drag and add these notes from the vault to a canvas they get converted again and I am not able to organize the notes in a visible and readable format. I also have notes on javascript and the comparative operators like === and !== are getting converted to highlighted text when I don’t want them to.

ALL I WANT is to change the notation of highlight markdown symbol from == to literally anything else

I realized as of writing this that including ``` will have the code block notated like a code block is supposed to be, but now I can highlight anything.

I would like to be able to change the highlight markdown symbol to something else so I can highlight code without it interacting with the markdown features.

My solution for now is to copy and paste all my html notes to a canvas where the bits I want highlighted can get highlighted within the box and I can separate the code examples so they don’t overlap. But I would like to know how or where in my code I can just change the symbol that initiates a highlight and I would be able to have my cake and eat it too.

Too have a simple notes page (not a canvas) with bits of highlighted code.

You can use CSS to change what ==happy new year== looks like in a note, but I think fenced code blocks are the way to go here for what you are describing.

yes but I cannot highlight in the code block and the code block interacts with the markdown in the same instance.

All this means is my notes look bloated and weird when I could have conveyed the correlation 10x better by just being able to highlight.

For example

<a href="">This Is A Link To Wikipedia</a> 
is different than
<a href="" target="_blank">The Brown Bear</a>

I want to highlight href in the first line and explain what it means but adding == doesnt highlight because ive disable it by adding
/* remove formatting and set font to single size monospace /
.markdown-source-view:not(.is-live-preview) * {
background: unset !important;
color: unset !important;
font-size: 1rem !important;
font-weight: unset !important;
font-family: monospace !important;
in case themes uses ::after div formatting for borders and so on */
.markdown-source-view:not(.is-live-preview) *::after {
border: unset !important;
I added this^ to disable the colored text that comes with html but it also disables the highlighting feature as well as all markdown utility.

Disabling this snippet allows me to highlight again but in source mode highlighting href in this instance looks like

<a ==href==="">This Is A Link To Wikipedia</a>

Where the equals signs cause it to be highlighted but the equals signs dont go away after that.

As I said what I am asking for is to have my cake and eat it too. The most I think I can do is go in and manually change what symbol causes highlighting… its just I dont know how to do that lol. What I really need help with is just how to change that one thing.

Do different premade themes have different markdown shortcuts for different use cases?
If so this could be my solution.

I’m on mobile at the moment, so won’t be checking, but Markdown won’t render within html tags. Is that that issue here?

no sorry maybe I went the long way around on the explanation of what exactly I want.

I want to highlight parts of code, but the highlight function is a part of the built in markup features. Those markup features are disabled by a snippet, because as well as highlight, they convert the html notes into the elements as if they were displayed on a webpage. I dont want this. I want to have the best of both worlds. I want to highlight code AND have the notes NOT converted to html. I asked if I could change what symbol causes highlighting because I thought that could be a partial solution. What I really want is to disable html conversion and preserve the ability to highlight.

If you use the Code styler plugin it can help in various forms for highlighting within code blocks. Not sure if it can actually only highlight parts of a line, but it can for sure highlight any line in your code block helping you to accentuate the lines you’re explaining.

It can also do various other colors, styling and so on related to your code block, so I would take a thorough look at this plugin and see if you can’t be helped with using this.

TYSM i will check this out