I have recently created a new vault on iOS iPad. Accessing my vault using iCloud through either iPhone and iPad has been flawless. However I am unable to access the vault on a Windows PC using the web-based iCloud.
I am trying to access the vault on a Windows PC, input my previous vault into my new vault, and iPhone and be able to write notes on a Windows PC that will be saved on the iCloud as well that can be accessed on iPad and iPhone.
I have tried to copy and paste files from my previous vault into the new vault on iCloud through the web version.
Attempt Issue
But I am unable too due to app permissions stating “Only files that can be opened by Obsidian can be uploaded here”, even thou the files are in a .md format and are from my previous vault.
Forum Search
I have looked around on the forums but most posts are related to syncing issues between iOS devices.
If anyone has any suggestions that would be great,
Installing the latest installer >=0.12.10 should make copying/dropping files into the icloud vault work on macOS, I don’t know about the Web version, though.
Did you install iCloud sync on your Windows machine, and then open the sync’d folder? It’s unclear from your post (you only mention web-based iCloud, not a synchronized folder).
I had some luck with that option, but I have moved to using Syncthing. I have a Mac that is running all the time and has iCloud shared access to a vault that I can open on both iOS and Macs. I have Syncthing running on that Mac and also on a non-Mac server synchronizing the same folder to a Dropbox folder. Since both computers are running all the time, the folders stay synchronized remarkably well. I can then use Dropbox-based vault on any other computer (Windows, Linux, …). My server is running Linux, but you could use Syncthing on Windows just as well.
I was cleaning up a Windows machine and just tested this:
install iCloud for Windows and sign in.
look in the explorer side bar for iCloud, or C:\Users\YOURUSER\iCloud Drive and your iCloud folders should be there. (It took ~5 minutes for folders to start showing up).
In Obsidian: create a vault or point to an existing vault in C:\Users\YOURUSER\iCloud Drive\Obsidian\
Adding a random file anywhere to the iCloud folder on Windows showed up on my other devices. Adding a test vault and a few notes in Obsidian did as well.
Has anyone encountered an issue with iCloud on windows not syncing? I couldn’t my windows machine to recognize changes made on my mac, despite restarting.