How do I access iOS iPad and Mobile iCloud Vault on Windows Devices?


I have recently created a new vault on iOS iPad. Accessing my vault using iCloud through either iPhone and iPad has been flawless. However I am unable to access the vault on a Windows PC using the web-based iCloud.

I am trying to access the vault on a Windows PC, input my previous vault into my new vault, and iPhone and be able to write notes on a Windows PC that will be saved on the iCloud as well that can be accessed on iPad and iPhone.

I have tried to copy and paste files from my previous vault into the new vault on iCloud through the web version.

Attempt Issue
But I am unable too due to app permissions stating “Only files that can be opened by Obsidian can be uploaded here”, even thou the files are in a .md format and are from my previous vault.

Forum Search
I have looked around on the forums but most posts are related to syncing issues between iOS devices.

If anyone has any suggestions that would be great,

Kind regards,

Installing the latest installer >=0.12.10 should make copying/dropping files into the icloud vault work on macOS, I don’t know about the Web version, though.

Did you install iCloud sync on your Windows machine, and then open the sync’d folder? It’s unclear from your post (you only mention web-based iCloud, not a synchronized folder).

I had some luck with that option, but I have moved to using Syncthing. I have a Mac that is running all the time and has iCloud shared access to a vault that I can open on both iOS and Macs. I have Syncthing running on that Mac and also on a non-Mac server synchronizing the same folder to a Dropbox folder. Since both computers are running all the time, the folders stay synchronized remarkably well. I can then use Dropbox-based vault on any other computer (Windows, Linux, …). My server is running Linux, but you could use Syncthing on Windows just as well.

Is iCloud installed for Windows? Folders/files are synced automatically. It’s easier than trying to upload/download from the web interface.

I have the same issue. iCloud is installed in Windows 10, but I can’t find where to point the Obsidian vault.

I have created a “test” vault from the Obsidian App on my iPad, and I am trying to get the desktop (windows) App to point to the same folder.


I was cleaning up a Windows machine and just tested this:

  • install iCloud for Windows and sign in.

  • look in the explorer side bar for iCloud, or C:\Users\YOURUSER\iCloud Drive and your iCloud folders should be there. (It took ~5 minutes for folders to start showing up).

  • In Obsidian: create a vault or point to an existing vault in C:\Users\YOURUSER\iCloud Drive\Obsidian\

Adding a random file anywhere to the iCloud folder on Windows showed up on my other devices. Adding a test vault and a few notes in Obsidian did as well.

Good luck!

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Has anyone encountered an issue with iCloud on windows not syncing? I couldn’t my windows machine to recognize changes made on my mac, despite restarting.

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