How do aliases in front matter work?

0.9.16 You can now specify aliases in front matter. These will then show up in the [[ link suggestion, and auto-complete to the correct file. They will also be picked up in unlinked mentions. For example: aliases: [AI, Artificial Intelligence]. Add double quotes around your alias if it contains special characters.

How does this work in practice? I tried creating something like the below, but I am not able to link to this note using the aliases and auto-complete to the correct file.

tags: [#topic, #topic-VAT, #topic-VATACK]

aliases: [AI, "Artificial Intelligence"]

Put a YAML block at the top of your document, like this:

aliases: ["AI", "Artificial Intelligence"]
tags: ["#topic", "#topic-VAT", "#topic-VATACK"]

Sorry, too many typos in that block. Below is what my front matter looks like but the tags don’t seem to show up in the tag pane and I am not able to autocomplete the filename using the alias.

aliases: ["AI", "Artificial Intelligence"]

tags: ["#topic", "#topic-VAT", "#topic-VATACK"]


do you have 0.9.16?

Yes and apologies. I had a heading on all my notes by default - which I have started to ignore subconsciously. It works now. BTW, won’t front matter be visible in the preview mode?

there is a toggle in the settings