Things I have tried
I searched “list yaml by dataview” in help docs and found an answer but that is listing all the YAML keywords my whole Vault.
I also tried:
list file.frontmatter from [[<% tp.file.title %>]]```
But this doesn’t show anything
What I’m trying to do
I have made a folder for habit tracking and everyday I make a page there that contains all the metadata in the YAML area that I use to make Heat Map Charts in other pages.
What I want is that, to view all the metadata from that YAML area even in reading mode in the particular file itself (Only Keys or Both Key: Value → please give both answers because as far as I know “frontmatter” is only Keys that is useful too in my case but what to do if anyone wants values too). So after this I will not have to switch between editing and reading mode again and again to view whole YAML if I need to.
Thanks for the answer.