How can I generate a list of all internal links on a page in Obsidian?

What I’m trying to do

Hello everyone,

I’m new to using Obsidian and would like to know if there is a way to generate a list of all internal links on a single page. Specifically, I want to create a list of all the Internal links that are in a folder.

For example, I am learning python, creating a new note for every exercise I go through. And in every note, I have made anew internal link

for every new concept I learn (e.g., [[Variable]], [[strings]], [[f-strings]], etc.)

I want to create a list of internal links in a folder in a new note, where I can quickly revise and refresh my memory.

Any help or guidance on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your support.

Things I have tried

Obsidian has a “Backlinks” feature that shows all notes that link to the current note, but every time i click on Backlinks it creates a separate/individual note for the internal link. I need sort of table of content to all the internal links.

(i.e I’m looking for a way to do the opposite - generate a list of all Internal links present in all the notes in a folder on one page. )

  1. These queries should (I hope) get incoming and outgoing links. Delete whichever one you don’t want.
  2. Replace "FolderName" as appropriate.
  3. Use paste and match style or paste as plain text when copying and pasting from the forum to a local vault.
FROM "FolderName"
OR ([[#]]) 
OR outgoing([[#]])

FROM "FolderName"
OR ([[#]]) 
OR outgoing([[#]])



Try this query with in the Dataview code block:

FROM outgoing([[]])

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