How can I creat numbered lists?

Things I have tried

I have created a normal list in Dataview that is displayed with bullet points.

What I’m trying to do

But I would like to have a numbered list displayed. Does anyone know how to do this?

LIST FROM #foldername1 AND "tag1"

With a css snippet?

/* << Dataview list appearance >> */
.dataview.list-view-ul {
  list-style-type: decimal;


Unfortunately, only a number with one digit appears with it. So the list starts with the first entry with “1” and shows the tenth entry with “0”. The eleventh entry then has a “1” again.

I tried to use the style “decimal-leading-zero” instead of “decimal”, but it doesn’t seem to work.

How to get numbers with more than one digit?

I couldn’t think of a way to display a list as a numbered list using a regular Dataview query, but it’s easy to do using DataviewJS:

Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item
Data:: item

dv.pages('"Inbox/Dataview Numbered List Example"')
  .forEach(page => {
      let output = "";
      dv.array(page.Data).forEach(data => {
          output += "1. " + data + "\n";

To use with your own data, you’d need to turn on DataviewJS in your Dataview settings if you haven’t already, then replace the “Inbox/Dataview Numbered List Example” with your own query.

This approach makes use of the fact that in Markdown, only the first item of a numbered list matters; subsequent numbers are calculated automatically. So starting each line with "1. " is enough to get it to render as a numbered list.

Hope this helps!

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Any of these should work (and they do in my tests), so long as another css line isn’t taking precedent. A hack, but does adding important help?

/* << Dataview list appearance >> */
.dataview.list-view-ul {
  list-style-type: decimal !important;

Or if you move the line to the very end of the css snippets so that it is the final declaration, does that make a difference?


EDIT: Screenshot of dataview list with numbers…

…and leading zero…

Unfortunately, I still do not get numbers with two digits.
When I use your code for a snippet and put the following query in my page:

LIST FROM #organisation AND "mitglieder/institutionelle mitglieder"

this output appears.

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with the syntax for a query in JS and don’t know how to place my query there.

Attached is a zip with a folder and 11 dummy notes. When using the css and dataview, they should look like the image below. If you copy them into your vault or a test vault, do you still see atypical numbering?

Angel (5.1 KB)

How many css snippets you have?
Try with default theme and disable some css snippets.
I think this behavior is related with any css snippet that affects the list styles (the bullet, the padding, etc.)

Hello Angel, thank you very much for caring so much about my problem. This is really a very strange thing. I copied your test notes into my Vault and displayed the Dataview list … et voilà … again only one digit.
Very strange.


I actually have only one snippet so far.
That’s strange, isn’t it?

Ha! I have found the error.
It seems to be the theme. I have ‘Blue Topaz’ and Dataview seems to have a problem with that. When I set the default theme, the list appears with normal two digits.


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Glad you have identified the conflict and can now decide what to do.

Good luck.


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