Hover preview for canvas notes, when their content is not visible on zoom-out

Use case or problem

I was watching the movie “Little Women”, was at the following scene : https://youtu.be/ldkXzhCAJn0?si=v927zlSDi1NSHoXM&t=137

And the first thing came to my mind is “Canvas”.

I realized that, although Canvas is exactly like this, where we can arrange our chapters (if we are writing book), arrange scenes (if we are writing novel), arrange stanzas (in case of poems), etc.

But the only struggle right now (which might be also for Jo in Little women), was to zoom-in and zoom-out so many times to peek into the content of each individual note.

Proposed solution

The best solution will be, when we zoom out, a state reaches when we can’t see the content of the notes and only see the title of that note (as shown in the above image) (we can set this zoom threshold from settings). Then without clicking on the box, we can simply hover over the box (I mean the note), will give us a hover preview pop-over of that note. This way it will be so easy to peek into the content and also, if required, we can edit in the hover preview itself. And if you are using the Hover Editor, then it’s a lot better.

Current workaround (optional)

Haven’t found one yet!

Related feature requests (optional)

Following FR, requests for a hover preview for embedded links within the note, and also request to get the hover preview without clicking on the note. This will be an conflict with my FR : In Canvas, let ctrl hover preview work on links in unselected nodes