Use case or problem
Most of the time I’m fine with Live Preview. But sometimes I need to check how a page is actually rendered in Reading View because Live Preview and Reading View don’t always render exactly the same way (due to bugs or unimplemented features).
Or sometimes I prefer to be in Source View and I want to have Live Preview on the side.
Proposed solution
Right now, it is possible to Cmd+Click
on the book icon at the top-right to open the active file in Live Preview in a new tab. I just need a command/hotkey for it because I use it all the time.
And conversely, it would be nice to have a quick way to close that tab group on the side even when the keyboard focus is still in the left tab group. The closest thing to that feature that IDEs like JetBrains/vscode/vim have is to just “close all other tab groups”, which is fine by me. So I need a command/hotkey for that.
Current workaround (optional)
To open Live Preview on the side, I use the mouse instead of the keyboard, as described at the top.
To close Live Preview on the side, I invoke two existing hotkeys:
- Focus on the tab group on the right
- Close tab (for each tab in the tab group)