Use case or problem
For example after opening long note I press hotkey to “Fold all headings and lists”. When the note has one H1 heading, then I see just the heading but I would like to display top level list to start navigating, without need to position mouse cursor on the folding arrow. Then the same until reaching desired node deep in hierarchy.
Proposed solution
Hotkey for “Fold one more level”
Actions should treat each unfolded (displayed) node separately, not by global level. To free us from having to think in absolute terms, letting us operate relatively to current state.
- If each child node Bi of node A is displayed as leaf (i.e. Bi is folded), then fold node A.
Hotkey for “Unfold one more level”
- If node is displayed before pressing the hotkey, then display it’s direct children.
Current workaround
Grab mouse, scroll to see desired folding arrow, position cursor on folding arrow, click
Related feature requests (optional)
- Hotkeys to fold/unfold levels below and all but current
- Fold/Unfold headings up to specific level hotkeys
keywords: children, folding, expand, hierarchy, level, navigation, nested list, nesting, outline, outlining, wrap