'Hot-swapping' config folder?

Does anyone know a way to change a vault’s config folder without clicking down into Settings → About → Advanced? I’m envisioning a command (with hotkey), which would take a FR for an admittedly edge case, but I’d settle for hacks: using Advanced URI plugin, or a script, or IDK…

The use case is that I want to use two completely customized “views” of the same vault — and workspaces just doesn’t cut it (yet). Different themes, different plugins, different settings… but the exact same notes, links and tags.

Another approach might be to have two versions of Obsidian that can operate on the same vault (not at the same time), each with its own config. But I haven’t been able to make that happen without moving asar files in and out of my Mac’s ~/Library/Application Support/obsidian folder

What I don’t want to do is use nested vaults except as a last resort.

Thanks for any suggestions you can provide!

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You could probably make something that would rewrite the underlying settings file. Then you’ll need to restart the app to reload the config (there might be a plugin that lets you chain commands, in which case you’d add the “Reload without saving command” after the setting-switch one).

For example on iOS or Mac you could make a script in Shortcuts that takes the text of the file, does a search-replace on the setting, and then writes all the text back to the file. Then you could use the Shortcuts Launcher community plugin to make a command for the shortcut.

On other platforms there are prolly ways to do something similar except you might have to trigger it outside of Obsidian. There may be plugins that let you run shell scripts or JavaScript to do something similar.


I hadn’t thought about that approach. I’ll investigate! Thanks for the suggestion.

I am semi-bookmarking this thread for a similar idea: how to use a Commander macro or any other way to quickly change a setting in a community plugin.
I would like to do it within Obsidian, otherwise I’d use the Shortcuts app on iOS to execute sed or any other command to write to a plugin’s data.json file.
But as I said, I’d rather do it within Obsidian, without using a slow-ish outside help.

Is there a way or a plugin to do this?

A possible use of git stash:

If you use Obsidian Sync, look elsewhere.

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