Hoping someone can help me on changing Highlight feature

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What I’m trying to do

So, I have the LYT theme installed and generally LOVE it. The one thing that I really liked better about Nick’s 1st rendition in Cybertron though was the Highlighter. I really appreciated the fact that is actually looked like a classic Highlighter. Especially for progressive summarization techniques; it worked really well.

I’d love to know how I can write into the code for the LYT theme, the older Highlighter appearance instead.

Things I have tried

I tried to contact the designer to ask, but was unable to find contact info. Also of note, I know nothing about coding for CSS profiles.

And what is the difference in how they do the rendering? You’re asking as so investigate quite a lot before being able to possibly answer you.

We’re not mindreaders, so it would be nice if you provide some examples on what you want and how it looks or should look like.

In any case, theoretically it should be possible to copy part of the CSS from one theme into a CSS snippet and apply that on top of the other theme. That is, as long as it’s not to interconnected with strangeness.

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