(Hope to add link classification function in ob)希望在ob中添加link的分类功能

from croquil: Because managing materials in ob requires so many links to be divided into categories, I suggest creating a categorization option that can be expressed with [[]],1[[]],2[[]]… It would give you the option to choose the displayed link, or to display everything, and to reassign the name of a certain link’s categorization

Please, write in English, and if you want attach a Chinese translation at the bottom.

I hope I’m not looking presumptuous by translating this for mumumu, but here is roughly what they said:

Because managing materials in ob requires so many links to be divided into categories, I suggest creating a categorization option that can be expressed with [],1[],2[]… It would give you the option to choose the displayed link, or to display everything, and to reassign the name of a certain link’s categorization


Because the developer is Chinese and my English is not very good, I think it would be better to speak Chinese directly :joy: :joy: :joy:

Thank you, hhhh

@mumumu the developers speak Chinese but this is public forum for all users. We useEnglish as lingua franca. If you want your request to have higher chances of being implemented, it’s better if you write it in English and get support for other people.

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I understand, thank you for your reminder, let me revise it or post it again :rofl: