Homework Manager Plugin

Homework Manager Plugin

Hello everyone,

Recently I was looking for a to-do plugin for school. I wanted a plugin with clean and easy to use UI, that can add subjects with simple to-do’s. I tested around and found some great plugins, but nothing really matched what I thought would work best for me. So I created my own.

I am very proud to introduce the Homework Manager plugin.

This Plugin Offers

  • Easy creation of tasks and subjects
  • Task due dates and linking to notes
  • Clean and easy to navigate UI

Subject Creation


Task Creation



More documentation can be found on the GitHub below:

Thank You!

While this is not the most feature rich plugin, there is a lot of room of improvement and I would love feedback.

I hope this plugin proves as useful to others as it does for me. Even if this is not for you, there are many more options out there so keep searching and don’t give up!


why do dates i set for homework show as a day behind. Like if I set it for the 22nd the date at the bottom will say 21 instead

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This plugin looks amazing. I’ll be sure to check it out.
Looks simple and easy to understand! I also like the feature of creating a note for every new task.

Great job!

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Hi there, is this still happening for you? If so please feel free to create an issue here and I’ll get onto fixing that for you.

I’ll also look into setting up email alerts for the Obisidian forums since I don’t check this often. Otherwise, if you submit an issue I’ll see immediately. Thanks!

Thank you for the kind feedback! I really appreciate it, truly. Let me know if there are any more features you’d like to see added.