Hitting enter on blank lines is extremely laggy AND can result in missed keystrokes

Steps to reproduce

Hit enter once or multiple times rapidly in a note on a blank line.

Did you follow the [troubleshooting guide]


Expected result

New lines appear without lag & no key presses are lost.

Actual result

  • Significant lag before new line appears.
  • Rapid key presses result in dropped keystrokes (quick double taps yield one newline instead of two).


Operating system: ios 17.3.1 (Apple iPad11,2)
Obsidian version: 1.5.8 (126)
API version: v1.5.8
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: none
Live preview: off
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on

Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.

Additional information

Video showing lagginess and dropped keystrokes: RPReplay_Final1708779499.mp4 - Droplr

if you disable the core backlinks plugin, is it still laggy?

I had that turned off already, so yes.

I wasn’t able to view the video, and I can’t reproduce this except a little in one case. On the first and only line of an empty file, I see a lag of about a second after pressing Return. Subsequent presses of Return don’t lag. (Obsidian 1.5.8 on iOS 17.3.1.)

Not sure what the issue could be with the droplr link for the video, it loads and plays in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox without issue. Here is a link to download it though: Upload files for free - lag.mp4 - ufile.io

To add some additional notes / clarifications.

  • If the cursor is at the end of a line with text on it there is no perceptible lag between hitting enter and the cursor moving down to a new line.
  • If the cursor is on a blank line there is a good amount of lag between hitting enter and the cursor moving down to a new line.
  • I see the same lag on both my iPad (mini gen 5) and iPhone (XS).