== highlight breaks http/https links and spills over to subsequent text

Steps to reproduce

Type the following into a note:


Header receives the highlight by mistake

and, any text
as well

unless it’s separated by an empty line

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? Y

Expected result

  1. Link opens correctly, without the == markdown
  2. Subsequent text is displayed without the highlight

Actual result

  1. Link opens as https://google.com==
  2. The text following the link is erroneously highlighted


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Additional information

Tested in the sandbox. This has been an issue for a long time now, I was hoping it would get quickly noticed but that never happened, so posting it here

= is valid in URLs so I don’t think we can fix this. Use standard markdown links.

Some thing happens with underscore.

While = is valid, ==URL== is not.

What is it that would prevent Obsidian from detecting ==URL== patterns (with the preceding ==) and prioritizing the “==” as highlight markdown rather than the part of a URL?
Meaning, URL== would be treated as a full URL, while ==URL== would be intelligently parsed as a highlighted URL?

(actually, same applies for **, __ etc.)

there are no restrictions to the number or consecutive = in URLs.
Sure, we could some sort guesswork in the parser. You can open a FR for that.

For anyone looking, I’ve opened a FR here: Ability to highlight links without breaking them

Feel free to vote if that’s relevant to you.

Any reason to not use angle brackets to contain the URL? (They appear to work in local tests.)

