Hide the “Properties view: Show all properties” icon

It appears it’s not a super known feature, but as discussed in the end of this thread, it would be nice to have the option to remove/hide the icon “Properties view: Show all properties” icon in the rightside bar.

I know I can add/remove the one for the file property, but I can’t figure out the other way around. It looks like the file property view is dependent on the all property view; which also makes me wondering who actually find a use of the all properties view :sweat_smile:
A snippet or future upgrade of the app in settings to hide it would be great!

Does right click > close help at all?

Yes it does…until you restart the app and see it is back again^^’

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That’s a pain. Could save and then reload a layout without the properties view after restarting, but that’s no easier than closing the modal after restarting.

If you don’t use the Properties view in the sidebar at all, you could turn off Properties view in Core plugins.

Perhaps someone can come offer a CSS fix.

This css snippet remove the “all properties” icon from the sidebar:

	display: none;

If you have never dealt with css snippets in Obsidian before, the official documentation has instructions on how to use them: CSS snippets - Obsidian Help

But the result is ~ the same as if you just disable them in the settings, as mentioned above… So it seems to me that if you don’t need them at all, it’s easier to really just disable them…


You’re a saver “Untitled”, thank you!
I do use the file only property, but didn’t need the other one that snippet made my day :smiley:

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