Hide or Truncate URLs in Editor using CSS?

hey @death.au thanks for that great code, I used your code as the foundations for this css hack I made

# replaced by §

This is the project I’m working on based on your code:

Org-sidian Bullets ◉ Instead Of # For Headers (Inspired by org-mode)

There’s a strange bug I can’t seem to fix, could you please take a quick look at it

Some headings get the symbols repeated in a strange way

It happens to normal text sometimes

but the bug I can always replicate is when I do something like this:

I create a normal heading

# [[test heading]]

Instead of displaying this
§ [[test heading]]

it displays this
§ [[§ test heading§ ]]

I’m using your code exactly as is, with a blank obsdian.css to make sure nothing from my theme interferes.

I would really appreciate any help, since my css hack fully depends on this.

Thank you!