Help for creating a React table plugin

Hi. I am building a plugin for Notion-Like tables. The goal of my plugin is to have a table that renders in preview mode from markdown on the same leaf as existing text. For example, if I have a markdown file called with the contents:

This is some text
This is some text

Column 1
Table row

This is some text
This some text

I want the table to be rendered in preview mode and retain the text surrounding it. I notice that the Obsidian plugin tutorial suggests using an ItemView but this won’t work for the purpose that I am desiring since it doesn’t support live preview.

To achieve this functionality, currently I am using registerMarkdownPostProcessor and replacing the HTML element with an element that renders a React.JS table.

Here is some pseudo code:

class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
  async onload(){
    this.registerMarkdownPostProcessor((element, context) => {
      const table = element.getElementsByTagName("table");
        if (table.length === 1) {
            new Table(table[0])

class Table extends MarkdownRenderChild {
   el: HTMLElement; 

  constructor(containerEl: HTMLElement){

  async onload(){
  	this.el = this.containerEl.createEl("div");

I got things working but there are several issues I cannot solve.

#1. If a user has a markdown table like I wrote above and enables my plugin, nothing will update until the user edits their file. Is there a way to make the post processor run the first time the plugin is loaded?

#2 When I disable my plugin, it appears that registerMarkdownPostProcessor doesn’t fully clean up. The CSS is gone but my components are still being rendered. The components will go away once I edit the text.

#3 For live preview functionality, I would like clicking on my table to not return to markdown, unless I click the “Edit This Block” button. Is there a way that I can add this functionality?

#4 My plugin also uses app.vault.modify(file, content) to edit the file the markdown while a user uses the interface. I notice with live preview that doing this will cause the table to jump back to markdown mode but I would like it to still render my table. Is there a way to disable this?

I am now thinking that for #1 and #2 I could write to the file onload and unload to force the hook to run, although I think that is kind of hacky.

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ag-grid maybe make it.

I tried to use it before to implement the notion like table and made a demo:

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Hi @treywallis , I had the same idea of Notion-Like tables. It is not ready yet, but actually can ready the notes inside a folder and show them as a react table

I am using the same architecture of Kanban plugin with my own type of view

The concept is, like Notion, every row represent its own file:

We can share our ideas to achieve that plugin!

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@RafaelGB That is a big project. I haven’t used Notion in a while. It seems like they’re trying to merge databases with tables.

I found solutions to my problems listed above. I am implementing just the table portion. GitHub - trey-wallis/obsidian-notion-like-tables: Notion-Like tables for

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