I have a template for creating a new Meeting Minutes note. It works perfectly on my mac. But fails not quite 100% of the time on my iOS devices.
It throws an exception and tells me to look in the developer log, which I can’t do on iOS (unless some one has a trick for that…)
The code in question is this,
let theName = tp.file.title
let titleName = tp.date.now(“HHmm”) + " - " + theName
await tp.file.rename(titleName)
let baseFolder = “/Calendar/Meetings/”
let year = tp.date.now(‘YYYY’)
let month = tp.date.now(‘MM’)
let day = tp.date.now(‘D’)
let newFolder =${baseFolder}${year}
+ “/” +${month}
+ “/” +${day}
+ “/”
await tp.file.move(newFolder + titleName);
The nature of the failure varies.
Sometimes it just drops the note in the top level folder.
Sometimes it moves it to the right place, but then creates a second copy in the new place
Sometimes it moves it to the right place and puts the prefix timestamp and “-” on twice
It is trigger by QuickAdd on a Button, so thats where the title comes from.
All ideas gratefully received. (either debugging ideas or problem solving ideas)