What I’m trying to do
I observe at least five distinct issues relating to community plugins that I suspect could be attributed to a single cause.
The following plugins “forget” that I enabled or disabled them (i.e. toggled them ON or OFF):
- Creases gets enabled on its own
- CustomJS gets enabled on its own
- Text Transporter get disabled on its own
- Nuke Orphans gets disabled on its own
This happens seemingly at random: sometimes when I relaunch Obsidian, other times not
Also, when I turn the restricted mode ON and then OFF, Novel word count’s settings restore to default. I can’t reproduce this in the sandbox vault though (and neither can the plugin’s dev).
I use iCloud for syncing. What could be the issue?
Here’s an example:
community-plugins.json - on Obsidian quit (macOS)
I have wrapped the change in **
community-plugins.json - on subsequent Obsidian launch right after (macOS)
I have wrapped the change in **
My debug info:
Obsidian version: v1.7.7
Installer version: v1.7.7
Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Thu Jul 6 22:12:47 PDT 2023; root:xnu-7195.141.49.702.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64 20.6.0
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: Minimal v7.7.18
Snippets enabled: 16
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 54
Plugins enabled: 32
1: Commander v0.5.2
2: Create Note in Folder v1.12.4
3: First Line is Title v1.0.0
4: Hotkeys for Bookmarks v1.1.1
5: Image Toolkit v1.4.2
6: Lazy Plugin Loader v1.0.18
7: Merge Notes v0.0.9
8: Pane Relief v0.5.6
9: Quick Explorer v0.2.12
10: Trigger Manual Save v1.0.0
11: Linter v1.27.1
12: Style Settings v1.0.9
13: Quick Switcher++ v4.6.2
14: Minimal Theme Settings v8.1.1
15: Quick Tagger v2.2.3
16: Templater v2.9.1
17: Copy Block Link v1.0.4
18: Mononote v1.2.2
19: Tag Wrangler v0.6.1
20: Adapt to Current View v1.0.0
21: Auto Card Link v1.2.3
22: Auto Link Title v1.5.4
23: Folder Focus Mode v0.9.13
24: Hider v1.5.1
25: Novel word count v4.0.0
26: Outliner v4.8.1
27: Strange New Worlds v2.1.5
28: Text Extractor v0.5.2
29: Zoom v1.1.2
30: Omnisearch v1.25.1
31: Trash Explorer v1.2.3
32: CustomJS v1.0.21
Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.
Operating system: ios 18.1.1 (Apple iPhone14,5)
Obsidian version: 1.7.7 (172)
API version: v1.7.7
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: Minimal v7.7.18
Snippets enabled: 16
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 54
Plugins enabled: 27
1: Commander v0.5.2
2: Create Note in Folder v1.12.4
3: First Line is Title v1.0.0
4: Hotkeys for Bookmarks v1.1.1
5: Lazy Plugin Loader v1.0.18
6: Trigger Manual Save v1.0.0
7: Linter v1.27.1
8: Style Settings v1.0.9
9: Quick Switcher++ v4.6.2
10: Minimal Theme Settings v8.1.1
11: Quick Tagger v2.2.3
12: Templater v2.9.1
13: CustomJS v1.0.21
14: Adapt to Current View v1.0.0
15: Auto Card Link v1.2.3
16: Auto Link Title v1.5.4
17: Copy Block Link v1.0.4
18: Folder Focus Mode v0.9.13
19: Mononote v1.2.2
20: Novel word count v4.0.0
21: Omnisearch v1.25.1
22: Outliner v4.8.1
23: Strange New Worlds v2.1.5
24: Tag Wrangler v0.6.1
25: Text Extractor v0.5.2
26: Trash Explorer v1.2.3
27: Zoom v1.1.2
Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.
Things I have tried
- Reinstalled each plugin.
- Deleted
in the.obsidian
folder. - Deleted and reinstalled Obsidian.