Have both bold and underline at the same time in (live) editor mode

What i’m trying to get (the image is from evernote)

What i get (in editor mode)

What i get (in preview mode)

So i have the desired result only in preview mode, but i mainly use the live editor for everything, so i would like to have a css snippet that solve this problem

Plus, it would be cool to have the underline of the same color of the bold text, but i don’t know how much difficult it is, i have very low css programming skills, and this is a minor issue, it would be more then enough to have at least bold and underline together.

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HTML works in Live Preview.

You could try <b><ins>Bold and Underline</ins></b>.

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Just FYI: If anyone other than you will read it, underlining things that aren’t links will likely confuse them.

That’s great! But i still have a problem, using the html <b></b> tag it ignores the color of the bold text of the theme that i’m using, making it very confusing to look at.
Do you know if there is something i can do in a css snippet to make the <b></b> tag of a chosen color?

Well, in the theme that i’m using underlined text and links have two different colours, so no problem for me

U have two choices

  • i believe markdown translate **text** to <strong>text<strong/> hence theme would target that. So u should use that instead of <b>
  • make the bold markdown syntax on the outside like this **<u>text<u>**, that way the asterisk will be rendered in live preview as bold/strong
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Actually neither of the two works :frowning:



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Yeah, if it’s just for you, you can do whatever and it’s no one’s business. (If it were for other people, 2 colors wouldn’t eliminate confusion).

sorry for incomplete example previously, for usage of <strong> i meant the following combination

<strong><u>html strong with html underline (`u`)</u></strong>

<strong><ins>html strong with html inserted (`ins`)</ins></strong>

but as u can see, LP (top part) hasn’t perfectly replicate markdown rendered in html (bottom part) but this is close to what u need.

for the other option (putting markdown on the outset), it’s err on my side as it doesn’t work inline. was thinking of sth else.


Yeah sorry for the misunderstanding, this is better because it renders the bold with the color of my theme, but only in the preview mode, which wasn’t a problem for me since i could already do this also by doing **<u>this</u>**, what i was showing in the previous message was the fact that the **<strong></strong>** tag wasn’t rendering the color of the bold text of the used theme in the (live) editor mode (which is the only mode i actually use).
I’m trying to understand if there is a way to force a color on a html tag with a css snippet or something like this.

You can use <b><font color='yellow'>Bold and Underline</font></b>



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Yeah that’s a solution, great! I’ll probably create a keyboard shortcut to paste these 3 html tags to make this 0 friction. Thank you!

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