Hand-drawn notes in markdown

Today I found a markdown editor that allows the embedding of hand-drawn notes.

It encodes the images in a (proprietary) format, instead of using a URL. Perhaps it could be interesting to investigate how to do something like that in Obsidian, especially to use with stylus and tablets.


Have you tried the Excalidraw plugin? I haven’t used it for hand-drawn notes, moreso free draw figures.

Yeah! and I like it very much :slight_smile:

The only drawback (for me) is that the text+drawing is not stored as markdown.

WOW, it is possible! Excited by this. Replacing OneNote with an app that leverage the linking, file independence and search tag abilities of Obsidian would be amazing. Seems it can be done!

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Excalidraw is a great app but still requires a separate window and file linking process to a note. Notekit is really trying to mimic the all on one page text, draw, pics paradigm of OneNote and thats a really good thing. :slight_smile:

I think all images can be embedded as base64. Can’t remember how.

Joplin note taking app support markdown function and cost nothing.
personally I use a xp-pen graphic tablet and OneNote app for Note taking.
here is a useful article: Best budget graphic drawing tablet for digital note taking|XP-PEN

Just looked at Notekit and this looks exactly as how i used to take note in OneNote, i wish obsidian could offer the same kind of integration. Although obsidian is text oriented i often need to doodle a little schematic, plan, idea between paragraphs to make things clear and i find it time consuming to zap to another app, make a drawing, export, embed in a link, then often not being able to easily edit it later as it became an image etc…

Tablet nowedays are soooo cheap (plus some users are quite skilled with a mouse for simple enough doodles)