Guide on writing/compiling articles (i.e. connecting ideas)

I recently reached around ~1850 note, with 500 being actual notes and the rest are tagnotes. I feel like this is enough to start producing written work, but for some reason with that amount of info stored I haven’t yet produced anything.

Perhaps anyone can recommend a guide of tutorial on how to use Obsidian to write articles? I think I’ve collected enough :smiley:

Not an answer to your question, but what’s a tagnote? I can guess, but I might guess wrong.

To answer your question: I start with the article idea and then use Obsidian to research the topic. I don’t use zettelkasten techniques–I don’t expect my notes to do the thinking for me. or to give me article ideas. I don’t know if that helps you. I suspect you may be thinking about a different kind of article than the kind I do. I write marketing articles for my employer’s website. I’m a former journalist. I’m starting to write articles for a personal blog, too, but again I start with the idea nd then get to work writing.

A tagnote is a note that acts as a tag, meaning that that I use it to reference in other actual notes. I just prefer to use “tagnotes” (notes) instead of actual tags (#tag), because they are simpler to link to (autocomplete) and easier to look up via dataview. For a nice intro check out this video - Obsidian Tagnotes - YouTube by @curtismchale

Yes, that does somewhat help. I haven’t been adding notes specific to my article idea. For now I just save my book notes, hoping to see some interesting connections. But you are completely right. I probably should be a little more intentional about my ouput.

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have you seen this:
“How to turn your notes into Published Articles….”


Eleanor has many posts and videos, her process of writing fantasy novels as well. So if you just look her up in the forums you will find a lot of related resources related towards your endeavor.

Hope this helps!


Thank you for this!

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I need to watch that Curtis McHale video again. I found it a bit confusing.

However, I did catch one throwaway comment he made that seems to address your original question: He says he looks at his Obsidian graph view occasionally and looks for big nodes—notes with plenty of connections. These might suggest article ideas; common thoughts linking notes that you might not be consciously aware of.

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@MitchWagner @rasulkireev

Ahh yes!! I hadn’t thought of it, but because I just like looking at the graph like a child, I review the “big” nodes or “growing” ones and that will start opening up connections I didn’t see, to which I might make a new “index” page with a Dataview table to organize that new connection.

As well, you can also color-code the nodes in the graph by say tag to really highlight stuff. I, for example, use different colors for programming languages so it’s easy to look at the graph and see maybe overlapping concepts between programming languages.

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