Graph view still shows references to .jpeg files

Looks like there is still something wrong with rendering .jpeg files in Graph view.
Here is an example: I created new vault with five jpeg files and one note with links to all that files.

All the images are successfully displayed in Preview mode:

And here is how it looks in Graph view:

Bug? Here is the link to the test vault in question.


  • Operating system: macOS Big Sur
  • Obsidian version: 0.8.1, no CSS

I think we fixed this in 0.8.2. Let me know if you still have this bug when we release it

Fixed in 0.8.4

This is still happening with 0.8.8 and PNG files.
Haven’t tried with JPEGs yet.
They are normal Markdown links
Screenshot from 2020-08-31 17-27-14