Graph View: link with mouse

I made an identical request in another topic, thought it would be more useful here:

Ability to link different notes directly through the graph without accessing those notes. User would hold some key (e.g. Alt) and click and hold on the note on the graph. Then, he would draw the mouse towards another note, and after releasing the mouse, a link to that note inside the first one would be created (in the settings, user could also specify to always create the bidirectional link in both files for each other).

By default, the link would be created on a new line after the last one in the note, but user could dedicate a section with some specific keyword, like {link}. When the new link is created through this interaction, {link} would be replaced appropriately and a new line with another keyword would be added, something like this:


[[link 1]]
[[link 2]]

For reference:


Also, another useful thing would be to remove a link by clicking on it on the graph while holding Alt. This would change anything like “[[filename|text]]” inside the note to just “text”, removing the hyperlink but not changing contents.

Sometimes you can delete a note a lot of other notes referred to, and you are left with this “ghost” of a nonexisting note. To get rid of it you have to go through each note and remove the link manually, which may be tedious, but with this feature it would take only a few clicks and a few seconds.


I am currently using Obsidian to fully understand the development of corporate strategies (theoretically). This topic quickly becomes very complex and I constantly lose the overview, as I have to create links in the notes. So it’s an eternal back and forth between countless notes and Graphview. This permanently interrupts the flow. For visual thinkers, it would certainly be enormously helpful if could “think” and correct the connections directly and without interruption in the Graphview. As suggested in the animation from ”vertzvet” in his/her post above.

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I would like to add my voice to this choir!

I am a creative entrepreneur going through a major restructuring of my entire concept and all workflows. The end result will be something that hasn’t been attempted before. For this reason, the creation process is non-linear and highly iterative and I’m constantly fumbling in the dark trying to see how things and ideas can connect in new ways. I’ve started to transfer my project management and note-taking into Obsidian and I’m already benefiting from the less linear approach. But, it was a bit of a downer to realise that the graph view is really just a view, rather than a tool. For some reason, I assumed it would have basic functionality such as what is suggested here: the ability to form links between nodes by drag and drop. This would be very conducive to achieving a truly non-disruptive, non-linear workflow.

Like others have said, adding the resulting link at the end of the target note would be a basic solution that would allow the existing note to remain otherwise intact. In the future, the functionality could have options similar to the Quick Add plugin, where the user can determine a section after which the addition will be made, whether it’ll be added in the beginning or in the end, etc.

I would also love to be able to create new notes by dragging from an existing one into blank space. An input prompt for defining the new note’s name would already suffice as a starting point. Later it could have options for using a template, a custom folder destination etc.

The graph view has amazing potential to become an extremely powerful tool for visual thinkers and I would very much like to see it get some attention!

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