you need a local graph, as the incoming/outgoing/neighbor Link switches are only available in local graph.
the local graph should include a lot of nodes, the more the better(eg. 20+)
set all of the center/repel/link forces of this graph to 0.0
turning on/off the xxx(incoming/outgoing/neighbor) Link switches as you like.
Expected result
the graph should change accordingly
Actual result
the graph becomes wired and may go dead.
Operating system: macOS
Obsidian version: 0.11.1
Additional information
Observation: by turning on/off xxx(incoming/outgoing/neighbor) Link switches, the number of the node and their position will change. The values of yyyy(center/repel/link) force may be used in this position re-calculation processing, and the 0.0 leads to some problems. With a value slightly greater than 0.0, eg. 0.02, this issue will not happen again.
i downloaded Obsidian last week.
my instalation is very new.
i did not install any plugin and not edit any settings yet.
all i used was the notes, the graph view and linking fellow notes with [[not name here]].
i use Obsidian for world building and currently create a note for each town.
i also link every town other towns they trade with to use the graph view as a make shift map.
the individual Notes use no furthe features, but the town i added last before crashing was the 3rd alternative route to get to a destination.
so there are loops in my map.
just noting this in case its important.
it usually takes a few seconds until it “crashes” (i assume) when suddenly a few notes dissapear and i cant move any notes until i re-open the graph view
(attaching an immage of how the “Astra” note is missing despite being linked in the “creegsville” note)
im sorry that this is as a gif, but all it takes is a few secondes and the view cant be controlled anymore
the exact error is:
78c63316:0x925 Uncaught RuntimeError: float unrepresentable in integer range
sadly, the javascript is already stripped of all variable names, so this might not be as helpful
so, just an update as i still continue to enter values into my vault:
the crash seems to only happen when i set the forces in the graph view to the minimum.
“Link Distance” seems to be irrelevant, but when i set the other 3 forces to zero (at the same time) it crashes fairly quickly
I’m hitting this today, too. What’s worth noting is that this doesn’t seem to be bound to system size, on my main vault with 21 nodes I’m reproducing this every single time I’m changing the 3 forces to 0 and slightly change the link distance, but on my sandbox vault I haven’t been able to reproduce this with any configuration. Maybe it’s also somehow linked to the timestamp correlations between notes.
Can confirm that this issue still persists today, exactly as described. Changing forces to 0 and moving nodes around causes crashing where the graph does not allow you to move the nodes.
Clearing console and trying to recreate the error ends up in the following error:
Uncaught RuntimeError: float unrepresentable in integer range
This issue still not been fixed and still happens under the same conditions as mentioned before
Forces are at 0 and moving nodes causes the graph view to freeze.
Please fix this!
I broke graph view, anyone else can reproduce this?
in forces settings
Centre force 0
Link force 0
then repel force 20 (max)
Slide Repel force to 0
Link distance setting doesn’t seem to matter. My largest node disappears and then the whole graph cannot be interacted with and changing force settings does nothing, I have to close the window and reload it.
Windows 10
these steps also break graph view on the mobile app
The fix for graph view crashing when some settings are set to 0 will be included in Obsidian 1.8.3.
Let me know if Graph view still crashes after you get 1.8.3 and under which conditions exactly.