The default search operation is the AND boolean operation:
tag:#tag1 AND tag:#tag2
I see all notes that have both tag1 and tag2. (Intersection)
I’d like to be able to also do the OR operation.
tag:#tag1 OR tag:#tag2
This would show all notes that have either tag1 or tag2. (Reunion)
There could also be an AND+OR operation that does both.
tag:#tag1 AND+OR tag:#tag2
This would show both their intersection and reunion.
The notes that have both tags in common are displayed normally.
The rest are displayed faded out.
Using colors, it would be nice to be able to see the selected tags as a kind of Venn Diagram – overlapping tags grouped in the middle, and non-overlapping tags grouped to the sides.
I may be mistaken, but this is already possible as far as I know. Can you show a screenshot where this doesn’t work? Perhaps also with the queries you’re executing?